


Last updated: August 11th, 2023

By using Sea Captain Date, you agree to adhere to these guidelines:

1. Profile Photos:

- Use clear and recent photos that accurately represent yourself.  Use at least one photo that clearly shows your face (i.e without shadows, sunglasses or hats).

   - Avoid using images that are overly edited or misleading.

   - Photos should not contain nudity, explicit content, or offensive material.

   - Include a variety of pictures that showcase your interests, hobbies, and personality.

2. Harassment and Respect:

   - Treat all users with kindness, respect, and empathy.

   - Do not engage in any form of harassment, including but not limited to: sending unsolicited explicit messages, offensive comments, threats, or insults.

   - Do no post or transmit any content that is defamatory, abusive, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable.

   - Respect the boundaries and personal space of others. If someone indicates they are not interested, respect their decision and do not persist.

3. Authenticity:

   - Provide accurate and honest information in your profile.

   - Do not “catfish,” impersonate someone else or use false identities.

   - Do not use the Services for any commercial or unauthorized purposes.

   - Be yourself and encourage genuine interactions.

 4. Privacy:

   - Respect the privacy of other users. Do not share personal contact information, financial details, or any sensitive data through the app.

   - Refrain from asking for personal information or pressuring others to share such information.

5. Language and Communication:

   - Use appropriate language and engage in meaningful conversations.

   - Avoid using offensive, discriminatory, or abusive language.

   - Report any inappropriate behavior or conversations to our support team.

6. Safety Precautions:

   - Do not agree to meet in person until you feel comfortable and have established a level of trust with the other person.

   - If you decide to meet offline, choose a public and well-lit place for your first meeting. Inform a friend or family member about your plans.

   - Trust your instincts. If something doesn't feel right, it's okay to end the conversation or decline an invitation.

7. Reporting and Blocking:

   - If you encounter any form of harassment, offensive content, or suspicious behavior, report it to our support team.

   - You can block users who make you uncomfortable or violate the guidelines.

8. Community Standards:

   - Follow all local laws and regulations when using the app.

   - Help create a positive and inclusive community by being respectful and considerate of others.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in account suspension or removal from the platform. We are committed to maintaining a safe and enjoyable experience for all users.